The series of events PO-stoj na živi ulici z mladimi (Eng. Stop on a Lively Street with Youth) started back in 2016 when Postojna joined the network of UNICEF`s Child Friendly Cities. At that time the municipality of Postojna became obligated to start making changes and developing programs and activites intended for children and youth, taking into account ther needs and wishes and paying more attention to their growing and learning process. Since then the project PO-stoj na živi ulici z mladimi became an annual event taking place in Postojna every spring. This action was initiated by BOREO, Regional NGO support hub in Primorsko-notranjska region, municipality of Potojna and UNICEF Child Friendly Cities Initiative.
If we shortly summarize the main accomplishments since our beginning: the Postojna Municipality has accepted the Decree of Youth, we reactivated the Youth Council for Questions and the Association of Friends of Youth, a special Mayor`s working group - Comission for Youth was established and we carried out 4 Municipal Children`s Council sessions where the relevant discussions and decisionmaking went into the hands of our youngest.